To guide and mentor the trailblazing women who are here to make an impact in the world living their soul-aligned life and business. 

To share the power of following your intuition and implement the power of energetics, strategy and soul work to tap into their limitless potential.

To facilitate the most powerful personal & professional growth journey to leave a legacy and be all that they came here to be.




SupportING visionary women to live THEIR soul-led lives & LEGACY.  


Hello & welcome!

My soul-led life began at a very young age. I remember being as young as 3 years old seeing the world through 'different eyes'. 

I asked the questions others wouldn’t.  Always curious and able to see far beyond the status quo. This was sometimes a very lonely and confusing journey as I felt ‘in’ the world, but not ‘of’ it. 

When I look back on my life I can see how incredibly supported and guided by spirit I was. I have overcome many challenges as well as achieving a very successful 30 year critical care nursing career and raising my two incredible sons. 

Having also studied many other modalities including Integrative Health, Bioresonance Therapy, NLP, Hypnosis, Reiki to name a few. 

In 2021, I made a decision to step away from my nursing career in the allopathic model and be a voice for the people, speaking on stages and events in front of thousands of people. Something I never imagined I'd be doing but knowing I was being guided and supported to be the light at this time in humanity.

I now have a successful Quantum Coaching Practice where I help guide the trailblazer visionary women to be all that they came here to be. I could not be more aligned and truly honoured to be working alongside these extraordinary women as they live out their soul-led lives and leave a lasting legacy.

I wish for all people to experience their full potential in this life, and to know that with the right tools, mentorship and embodiment, everything is possible.

Sending you so much love,



Certified Coach - Master Practitioner Hypnosis, NLP & Timeline Therapy
Diploma - IIN -Integrative Health Coach Practitioner
Bioresonance Therapist
Reiki Master Practitioner
Former RN (30 years) - Emergency/ICU