Everything is energy and frequency. Atoms and molecules constantly vibrate, making up the world we live in. When frequencies change from their optimal state, this is when dis-ease can occur.
Every cell and organ in the body has its own distinctive vibrational frequency. When these frequencies are disrupted, whether by injury, diet, stress or emotion, it results in a disruption of that biological function. Which when not addressed, can bring about fatigue, depression, illness, disease and even death.
Over the past 20 years, more than 120,000 of these vibrational frequencies have been isolated, identified and cataloged. Knowing what the optimum frequencies of these cells and organs are, can assist in determining the root cause of an individual’s mental and physical wellbeing.
Understanding just how much energy and vibration positively and negatively impacts our lives gives a whole new perspective on how we get to live. Every aspect of your life will level up when you start to understand and implement the tools. This is the missing piece.
The AO Scan Technology is a very unique educational tool that can help you learn about how your body is performing. It communicates with the body via subtle bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals to identify the areas that may be out of balance. By identifying those areas that may need assistance, you can then make the necessary changes to optimise your emotions, productivity, mental clarity and health, to reach a state of harmony, balance and abundance in all areas of your life.
Solex has taken 20 plus years to develop the blueprint database. These blueprints are analogous to musical notes in that they represent the cell’s natural, optimum condition.
All of the information from the various AO Scans is conveniently displayed in robust easy-to-read reports. There are currently 7 different AO Scan programs that users may run. (Inner Voice, Vital, Comprehensive, Body System, Dental, TMJ, AO Mindsync). Plus there is a full and comprehensive Homeopathic library and the ability to imprint these frequencies into water and objects.
Our body heals itself given the right environment. Homeostasis is the goal and the AOScan is the most powerful tool to help assist this process.
Every cell in your body produces energy, frequency, vibration, and resonance. When your frequencies are in balance it optimises the quality of your life on every level.
Feel the difference.
Quick Scan
The EZ Scan technology is the most and simplest way to perform Inner-Voice, Vitals Scan, Comprehensive Scan, and the associated optimizations all under 6 minutes. The EZ Scan report contains all 3 results in one.
The Quick Scan technology performs Morning, Midday, and Evening scans. This process uses a sound harmonizing technique that generates a balancing audio frequency, as well as colors and musical tones to assist in creating more balance.A full comprehensive integrative health assessment to identify any areas of concern and provide education, tools & resources to achieve wellness from within.
The Inner Voice technology uses a sound harmonizing technique that generates a balancing audio frequency derived from the voice spectrum of humans to diminish frequencies that are in excess and supplement frequencies that are lacking.
The Vitals Scan performs a scan of 550+ Blueprint Frequencies associated with bodily functions and performs the analysis (3 mins or less). It is a concise snapshot of blueprint frequencies being produced by the blood, organs, and systems of the body.
The Comprehensive Scan performs a detailed scan of the frequencies from over 130 organs, cells, bones, and chromosomes. The scan provides a graphical report displaying variances from blueprint homeostasis ranging from 1 to 9.
The Body Systems scan performs a complete and thorough scan and optimization of hundreds of Blueprint Frequencies associated with 13 body systems. This scan complements the results provided in the Vitals and Comprehensive scan.
The Subtle Energy Frequency Imprinter (SEFI) technology is designed to capture, amplify, and imprint subtle energy frequencies, and can either broadcast or imprint those frequencies into any element or item.
EZ Scan
inner voice Scan
This groundbreaking program enables users to record affirmations in their own voices, which are then embedded into music and played through headphones. By syncing both sides of the brain and crossing the conscious barrier, this technology has the potential to bring about impactful changes within the brain.
Weekly Zoom Calls to nourish and support you through your journey.
This program is designed for you to feel a part of a community where all of you is welcome.
To tap you into your true essence and cultivate lasting relationships and results for your life using a multiple of modalities that will ultimately achieve a lasting transformational experience.
Together we will create powerful rituals and practices to allow you to open your heart and mind to receiving clarity through your own inner guidance.
You will not only be learning the ancient wisdom tools, we will also be combining them with distance Reiki and the latest energy and frequency technology bioresonance therapy.
This tool is profoundly educational and will assist you in identifying and shifting energy/frequencies that are holding you back from experiencing the fullness life has for you and bring your mind, body & soul back into homeostasis.